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Ignition 8.1 – The most polished and powerful release of Ignition ever!

The goal of Eclipse Sparkplug is to make MQTT-based infrastructure interoperable. Products bearing the “Sparkplug Compatible” label fully implement the Sparkplug specification and provide the highest level of compatibility.

End users can choose the products listed below with confidence, as they all carry the “Sparkplug Compatible” logo.

If you are a technology provider, getting your products listed showcases your commitment to Sparkplug and makes you a participant in a thriving marketplace. If you are interested in featuring your product here, follow the steps on the Get Listed page.


We are excited to welcome Rob Valent from ATS Global — one of our top-performing integrators. We discuss the reach ATS has providing automation products and services to a variety of industries and being an independent solution provider for accounts worldwide. Rob shares the success of their global Ignition rollout, having the most Ignition certified engineers worldwide, and a unique pharma project in Denmark that ties into the pandemic. We also discuss having a dialogue with the customer to truly understand their needs and deliver the best value possible.

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